
  An Australian Insight Meditation Network



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Profiles of Australian dharma teachers

Retreats and Other Residential Programs, Online retreats, 2025

Description Dates
Place Teacher(s) Cost ($) excluding dana*
28 Day Retreat
17 January - 14 February 2025
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre, Medlow Bath Patrick Kearney
waiting list only
Freedom through Insight and Understanding
25 - 31 January
Sangsurya Retreat Centre, Byron Bay Subhana Barzaghi and Will Janes
1456 single
1046 shared
790 concession
687 van camping
Insight and Awakening
13 - 18 February
Yarrawarra Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Corindi, NSW (just north of Coffs Harbour) Will James and Ali Barlow
615 single
513 shared
462 camping
High Country Walking Retreat
24 February - 3 March 2025
Charlotte Pass, Kosciouszko NP
Victor von der Heyde and Suzie Brown
1170 single
1900 total for two people who wish to share a room
Mindfulness of Breathing and the Four Boundless Divine Abodes
28 February - 6 March 2025 6
Mal Huxter and Lisa Brown
250 standrard
350 benefactor
150 scholarship
Ocean of Breath, Ocean of Love
7 - 13 March
6 Sangsurya Retreat Centre, Byron Bay Lizzie Turnbull and Carol Perry
1415 single
985 shared
677 campervan
Cultivating the Boundless Heart of Awakening
11-17 April
Sangsurya Retreat Centre, Byron Bay Mal Huxter, Lisa Brown, Ali Barlow 1589 early bird single
1692 single
1056 early bird twin share
1159 share room
667 early bird van
769 van

Opening into Stillness
24 - 30 April
Brahma Kumaris Centre, Wilton, Sydney area
Alan Bassal and Kate Amy
single 1345
twin share 995
concession 850
The Middle Way: Nine Day Silent Retreat
9 - 18 May
Dorje Ling Meditation Centre, Lorinna, Tasmania
Patrick Kearney and Louise Taylor
single 1195
twin share 1095
camping / van 995
The Inner Rhythm of Being
27 June - 3 July
6 Brahma Kumaris Centre, Wilton, Sydney area Alan Bassal and Renata Malinauskas single 1345
twin share 995
concession 850
Waking up with Serenity, Insight and a Boundless Heart
29 August - 7 September
6 or 9
Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, Sydney

or online
Mal Huxter and Lisa Brown
*early bird discounts
154 to 257 online
1118* to 1220

6 days single
1528* to  1630
9 days single:
Insight and Soulmaking Dharma
1 - 8 October
The Gathering Place, Dickson, Canberra
Victor von der Heyde
1160 residential -single
630 non-residential
*This cost does not include any payment to the teacher(s). Teachers rely on dana (literally "generosity") for these programs and there is usually a box at the retreat for this purpose.
Bookings are open for all the progams listed. There are other retreats and programs planned, they're shown in the Insight Meditation News and they'll appear on this table when bookings open.

              Expected teacher standards, procedures for addressing issues with teachers and giving constructive criticism

Insight Meditation Groups and Centres

Adelaide See Coast and City Sangha
Melbourne Melbourne Insight Meditation Group
Bellingen Tallowwood Sangha Newcastle The Sit In
Blackheath Cloud Refuge Rockhampton Rockhampton Insight Meditation
Bundanoon (NSW) Southern Highlands Sangha Sunshine Coast (Qld)
Sunshine Heart Insight Meditation
Brisbane - West End Heart Insight Meditation Group Sydney SIM (Sydney Insight Meditators)
Sydney - Eastern Suburbs Golden Wattle Sangha
Brunswick Heads
Flowing Mountain Meditation Group
Sydney - Inner West Kookaburra Sangha
Byron Shire - Possum Creek Women's Group Sydney - North Sydney Bluegum Sangha
Goolwa (SA) Goolwa Dharma Group Sydney - Narrabeen Still Water Sangha
Lismore Kuan Yin Meditation Centre Sydney - Northern Beaches Beaches Sangha
Medlow Bath Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Woolongong / Illawarra Ocean View Sangha

Dharma and Climate Change Possible adverse meditation experiences       


Site last updated 30th January 2025. Site Information.
Photos: by Ken Golding from the 2008 Dharma Gathering (1) and 2008 yatra (2, 3) and by Kay Burns (4) from the 2011 Far South Coast yatra.
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