
What is Insight Meditation?

Insight Meditation (also known as Vipassana) refers to both Buddhist meditation practices and a largely Western form of Buddhism. A feature of Insight Meditation as a form of Buddhism is that it is either free of ritual or has minimal ritual. It draws on the practices (dharma practices) and wisdom of Theravada Buddhism, which has been practiced for centuries in Thailand, Burma and Sri Lanka. Many Insight Meditation teachers have also been influenced by Zen and Tibetan Buddhism.

There are different styles of Insight Meditation. Some common threads are that they all place importance on acting in an ethical way, and they all have a focus on settling the mind, developing a level of clarity, and looking carefully at one's experience. Aims of Insight Meditation include coming to a deep understanding of ourselves and the nature of the world, as well as developing compassion for all living beings.


Quarterly Insight Meditation News

We have a quarterly email news which gives a little more information than is on the website about what is coming up and what is happening in our national (mainly East Coast) network. You can get on the list for these emails by sending an email to:

We're happy to take you off the list at any time. Just let us know. We don't give names or addresses on this list to anyone.

Groups in particular areas (DharmaCloud, Bluegum Sangha, Sydney Insight Meditators, Tallowwood Sangha, Heart Insight in Brisbane and others) have their own lists. Look under the "Groups/Centres" heading for contact details.


Links - Insight Meditation further afield

There are many Insight Meditation centres and groups overseas. Three of the larger centres are these:



Links - General

 Insight Meditation Australia Yatras 
 BuddhaNet Online Courses Zafus (meditation cushions)

Links - Audio

 Dharma Seed  Audio Dharma  BuddhaNet Audio Tricycle Audio Archive Buddhist Geeks 

Links - Social Action in India

The Insight Meditation community has supported a variety of social programs. The initiative which has been the main focus, since it started twenty five years ago, has been the Bodhgaya Development Association (BDA), an Australian group supporting a school and other programs for the poor in India. The original BDA website is still online and contains some of the history of, photos of and reports on the programs.

The Buddhist community has also supported BODHI Australia (the Benevolent Organisation for Development, Health and Insight).

Past Events

Dharma Yatras 2006-2015

Dharma Gatherings: 20062007, 2008

Site Information

This site is for dana-based programs run by teachers on the teacher page, related groups, and dana-based programs run by overseas Insight Meditation teachers who have taught at one of the three large centres listed above. Up to four retreats by any teacher can appear on the retreat table. To contact the site administrator email

Retreats get posted when the details are set and bookings are open.



dharma.org.au home

Moon image taken by Ken Golding at 2006 Dharma Yatra