Rockhampton Insight Meditation

Workshop program and classes 2024

Living in the Moment
Half day of practice with Sama
Saturday 13th June, 2 - 5pm
Women's Health Centre, Bolsover St, Rockhampton


Weekly zoom sessions

Sundays 6 to 7pm, led by Sama, Jac Cadwgan, Maggie Clark
Details and link on the Heart Insight website under Calender.


Weekly meditation class: Mindfulness and Loving Kindness

Mindfulness and compassion meditation class every Saturday from 4.30 pm 5.30 pm
Led by Sama, a nun in Theravada traditio

In these sessions we focus on the Buddha's Four Foundations of Mindfulness: mindfulness of body, feelings, thoughts and mental states. The benefits of being mindful are immense.  Mindfulness helps keep the mind and body healthy, it helps maintain calmness and helps with the focus on wholesome mind states. These qualities are not only of benefit to us, but the benefits flow to others we come into contact with.

Sama has 25 years experience in the practice of meditation.

At: Women's Health Centre 225 Bolsover Street,  corner of Derby St.
Entrance gate opposite VibeFitness, Rockhampton
BYO cushion, chairs provided
Attendance: free. Donations to the Women's Health Centre are much appreciated.


Past events

Love and Hate, Life and Death: Weekend meditation retreat with Bhanta Akaliko
Saturday 16 March - Sunday 17 March 20

Wisdom from Stillness: Weekend Meditation Retreat with Bhante Akâliko
Saturday 25 March – Sunday 26th March 2023, 9am to 5pm both days

Mindfulness Weekend: Cultivating Ease in Meditation and Life
with Mary MacIntyre

5th and 6th November 2022

Loving Nature: The Heart of Meditation: A residential weekend retreat with Pasha Lyndi
Earth-based meditations on Love, Joy, Compassion and Balance
Friday 2nd September - Sunday 4th September 2022

Samadhi and Insight: a weekend workshop with Victor von der Heyde
Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July 2022

A Joyful Practice: a weekend retreat with Bhante Akaliko
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th March 2022

Weekend workshop with Pasha Lyndi: Loving Nature: The Heart of Meditation

Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd October 2021

Mindfulness Workshop: How Mindfulness Transforms Suffering: Theory and Practice
with Timothea Goddard,
Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th August 2021

Weekend workshop with Lyndi Smith: 5 - 6 June 2021: Mindfulness Meditation: Nature Inside and Outside

Workshop audio recordings

Blog with photos: March 2023 retreat with Bikkhu Akaliko


rockhamptoninsightmeditation [at] (replace at with @).
Or text 0478630888
Please email if you would like to be on the mailing list to hear about future workshops or events.