Victor von der Heyde

has been practising meditation for thirty five years.  He's spent over two years in total in silent retreats and has taken dharma teaching roles since the mid 1990s. He was co-founder of Sydney Insight Meditators and of the Bodhgaya Development Association. He also trained in Gestalt Therapy and worked for years as a counsellor.

He writes: These days my passions in teaching and practice include exploring environmental ethics - how we treat animals, how we respond to climate breakdown - and the ways that we get often stuck with particular concepts of self and world. And stuck with particular meditation practices. My intention is to open up freeing and soulful possibilities for people.

Teaching schedule 2024

25 February: Sydney Insight Meditators Morning of Practice with shared lunch at the Hut of the Happy Omen, Cheltenham. Topic: Working with Emotions and other Mind States

4 May: Bodhi Chan Meditation Centre (Springwood, Brisbane area):  Working with Emotions and Other Mind States

5 May - 7 July: Sydney Insight Meditators / DharmaCloud: Seeing That Frees: Emptiness and Dependent Arising. 10 week online course.

17 JuneBluegum Sangha:  An Introduction to Soulmaking Dharma - Part 1

20 June: Golden Wattle Sangha: Being Mindful of Influence

30 June
Sydney Insight Meditators Morning of Practice with shared lunch at the Hut of the Happy Omen, Cheltenham. Topic:
Clinging, Enchantment and the Materialsit World View

1 July:  Bluegum Sangha:  An Introduction to Soulmaking Dharma - Part 2

21 July - 22 September
: Sydney Insight Meditators / DharmaCloud: Seeing That Frees: Emptiness and Dependent Arising. 10 week online course

4 - 11 October:  Weeklong retreat: Emptiness and the Mysteries of Imaginal Perception Canberra Mindfulness Centre

Audio recordings

Talks on Dharma Seed


Recordings from Canberra Seeing That Frees retreat on DharmaSeed


Being part of a sacrifice
We’re part of a culture that is sacrificing a stable climate and the well-being of future generations for short term gain, short term convenience and pleasures. There's ongoing questions as to what values we hold and what we do to honour those values. The talks outlines the the beginnings of run-away climate breakdown, the range of felt responses, failure of the collective imagination, behavioural denial, ecological debt and how facing that can be a type of awakening, the sense of sacredness, other dharma perspectives, and questions about responses.
8th December, High Country Walking Retreat

What is a beautiful life? What does it mean to live a beautiful life, and are we called to the possibility of a beautiful life, of making our life into something beautiful?
6th December, High Country Walking Retreat

Rockhampton Samadhi and Insight workshop, 16 - 17 July

Samadhi and Insight: Introduction
27 mins
Body field (energy body): guided meditation
27 mins
Further comments on samadhi, intro to metta
12 mins
Metta to phenomena: guided meditation
32 mins
Samadhi and the sense of push and pull
11 mins
Tightness in meditation, not being hard on yourself
4 mins
Using imagery with breath practice: guided meditation
20 mins
Fabrication and anicca
22 mins
Anicca: guided meditation
31 mins
Anicca contemplation
16 mins
Welcoming and allowing practice: introduction
11 mins
Welcoming and allowing: guided meditation
28 mins
Anatta: guided meditation
28 mins

Dharma and Climate: being part of a sacrifice, how could we respond?
We’re part of a culture that is sacrificing a stable climate and the well-being of future generations for short term gain, short term convenience and pleasures. There's ongoing questions as to what values we hold and what we do to honour those values.
16th July 2022, Association of Engaged Buddhists, 33 mins


Buddhism for our time and the Secular School 16th August 2021, Bluegum Sangha


Climate Breakdown and the Dharma - Part 4, 8th September 2019, Heart Insight Group, Brisbane, 26 mins (Minimising harm and effectiveness in social and political movements and actions).

Climate Breakdown and the Dharma - Part 3, 1st September 2019, Heart Insight Group, Brisbane, 21 mins (Covers dukkha in relation to what’s happening to the earth, views that are behind the crisis, age of separation, human supremacy, a commitment: letting go of unhelpful views, climate change nihilism, climate awakening.)

Climate Breakdown and the Dharma - Part 2 (Felt Responses), 5th August, Bluegum Sangha, North Sydney, 33 mins

Climate Breakdown and the Dharma - Part 1, 9th June 2019, Heart Insight Group, Brisbane, 36 mins

Friendships, Influence, The Dependent Nature of our Views and Sense of Entitlement, 18th April, 2019, Golden Wattle Sangha, Bondi Junction, Sydney, 19 mins


Ethics, Climate Change and Practice  2nd April, Bluegum Sangha, 44 mins.


Climate Change, Ethics and the Field of Greed (2013) home