
Donations can be made as a funds transfer, by PayPal or by cheque. If sending a cheque please use our donation form.

For a funds transfer within Australia, the details are:


 Account name  Bodhgaya Development Association
 BSB 124001
 Account Number 10142193 


You can specifiy, if you wish, that you donation goes towards the Prajna Vihar School or Asha Seva Kendra.



For a Paypal donation to the BDA click here:



To specify that funds go the the Prajna Vihar School click here:


To specify that funds go to Asha Seva Kendra, click here:



Note that while we are an incorporated tax-exempt non-profit organisation, we do not currently have Deductible Gift Recipient status, which means that at present, your donations are not able to be used as tax deductions.

If you make a donation and you're not on our mailing list or email list, please give us some contact info (eg by sending us an email) so we can send you a receipt.




Bodhgaya Development Association
147 Richmond Road
Morningside Queensland 4170
Phone: +61 (0) 7 3399-2017

BDA Home